Helping You Successfully Register Your Trademark

Let Wiley Horton make the trademark registration process seamless. He handles everything from trademark filing and maintenance to trademark prosecution. Contact us at 850-222-3533 today for a no-cost consultation in Tallahassee, FL.

What Is a Trademark?

A trademark is a word, name, symbol, phrase, or design used in commerce to identify and products of one seller or manufacturer from another. In some circumstances, a trademark can extend beyond words, symbols, and phrases to include other aspects of a product, such as its color or packaging. Trademarks also make is easier for consumers to identify a manufacturer. Such as, instead of asking a store clerk who made a particular shoe, consumers can look for their symbols, such as a swoosh or a unique pattern of stripes. Trademarks make goods easier to identify and give manufacturers an incentive to invest in the quality of their goods.

What Prerequisites Are Needed to Receive a Trademark?

In order for a mark to serve as a trademark, it must be distinctive. It must fall under one of the four categories the court groups marks into:

  1. Arbitrary or Fanciful
  2. Suggestive
  3. Descriptive
  4. Generic

To learn more about these groups or to see where your mark would fall under to receive its trademark, call attorney Wiley Horton.

Need assistance trademarking your products? Call 850-222-3533.

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